Brand: Bostica

Flower - Gush Mints

Indica HybridTHC:24.9%TAC: 29.6 %

Kush Mints x (F1 Durb x Gushers)

Gassy sweet terpene profile with strong pine sweet cream and mint flavors and smells. Dense dark green and purple flower buds are coated in trichomes. Body-zapping high and deep great feelings for this heavy hitter.

Also available at:

Bud's Goods & Provisions (Worcester)
Bud's Goods & Provisions (Abington)
Bud's Goods & Provisions (Watertown)
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View Product Testing Data
CBG (Cannabigerol) 0.11%
CBG (Cannabigerol)-0.11%
CBGA (Cannabigerolic acid) 0.89%
CBGA (Cannabigerolic acid)-0.89%
"TAC" - Total Active Cannabinoids 29.6%
"TAC" - Total Active Cannabinoids-29.6%
THC-D9 (Delta 9–tetrahydrocannabinol) 0.14%
THC-D9 (Delta 9–tetrahydrocannabinol)-0.14%
THCA (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) 28.2%
THCA (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid)-28.2%

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